Fact is that more and more smokers out there are smoking their last cigarette today.
Why is that? Well, the first and most common reason is of course Health issues.
Today there are maybe more Anti smoker campaigns online then those who promote smoking. Well who can really blame them. Fact is, smoking is bad for your health.
Second and also a crucial reason why people stop with smoking is economics.
In the past 10 years the costs of active smokers went up beyond 300%. Why?
Well, like before mentioned these "Anti smoking campaigns" had an huge impact on society.
With so many smokers quiting, the tobacco industry "had no other choice" then to raise the prizes, resulting even more people to quit smoking. The smoking trend is slowly going down.
"I can remember when a pack of cigarettes was about 1,8$ in Croatia, today its 4$".
So with these negative sides of smoking many smokers wonder "Is there an alternative"?
Well, there is only one good alternative: Rolling homegrown tobacco
Rolling tobacco in the other hand is a trend that is growing on a daily basis.
In the past considered "filthy tobacco" or "poor quality tobacco" this product made his breakthrough out of the shadows from the industry rolled cigarettes.
Gaining strenght while the competition is getting weaker, the Rolling tobacco (if purely homegrown) is considered as a "good" alternative for cigarettes.
Why a "good" alternative?
Well simply cause its more Economic, and it causes (if homegrown/no chemicals) less damage to your body. In my case the economic part was "the" reason why i changed to Rolling tobacco. Spending over 150$ each month on Cigarette supply i had no other choice then, either to quit smoking or to try something else. Being a passionate smoker, quiting was not an option for me. Instead I gave the Rolling tobacco a try. The results?
The rolling tobacco was a winner product.
First of all, from my economic side things changed dramatically.
Spending only 40$ per month for tobacco and investing 40$ more to buy the equipment i saved over 60% of my earlier spending.
The other good part was that I was actually smoking less.
The reason is very simple, you have to make the cigarettes now on your own.
And that takes more time.
Being and active Rolling tobacco smoker for 3 years now, I can only say that it changed the way I smoke now days.
Taking more time and interest in choosing the right tobacco (aim for homegrown if you can) I've learned a lot about smoking.
It is not about how much you smoke, it is about what you smoke.
And even if the smartest scientist says that all kinds of smoking are bad for you, I know that I rather smoke a good quality self made cigarette, then a industry filled one.
Being and active Rolling tobacco smoker for 3 years now, I can only say that it changed the way I smoke now days.
Taking more time and interest in choosing the right tobacco (aim for homegrown if you can) I've learned a lot about smoking.
It is not about how much you smoke, it is about what you smoke.
And even if the smartest scientist says that all kinds of smoking are bad for you, I know that I rather smoke a good quality self made cigarette, then a industry filled one.
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